April 21, 2009

first look...

i know this is a horrible picture but here is the mirror frame. its still going to get a few coats of finish so the color will change, hopefully for the better.


Dana Baker said...

Lookin' good!

Dana Baker said...

Do you take special orders?

brentkalebaker said...

yes, but i don't ship to china.

Jon, Kristi, Jaiden, and Kenan said...

man, those mattison tenon joint compounds are really awesome. the twisted railings really turned out great. I think a couple more layers of lumbak oil and varnish will really bring out the natural beauty.

how's that for faking it? still sound like an idiot?

Trail Rated said...

Isnt there suppossed to be a mirrior too?
Joking - Its beautiful Kabe!